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My Blog

Making friends in later life
We tend to think friendships should grow organically. They don't. Particularly in our later years, when we often lose friends—to death,...

What is IRMAA?
When Medicare first began in 1965, the idea was that it was for everyone over age 65, not just those who were poor. There would be no...

Crime proofing your home
Seniors experience property crime thirteen times more often than violent crime. Burglary is the most common. (Interestingly, it typically...

Sharing your home
There are many advantages to having a housemate: Defraying expenses. Sharing household chores. Help with transportation. Companionship....

Saying "no" when your kids ask for money
Once you've decided it's unwise to give or lend money to children—or grandchildren—think through how you want to communicate your...

"With a little help from our friends": The Village movement
Aging in place has great appeal and can be challenging and expensive. Elders who are part of a "Village" help each other with simple...

Medicare coverage while traveling
Planning a trip? Your health insurance might not come with you! International travel. If you need medical care outside the United...

Solo aging: Eyes wide open
Aging comes to us all. What makes solo aging different is the need to be more proactive about arranging for help. Twenty-two percent of...

Getting rid of your stuff
Once you get beyond the sentimental value of your belongings, you are still up against the logistics of how to get things out of your...

Thriving through life transitions
Change is the only constant. And as we enter our later years, it seems the changes are more frequent. Before writing Life Is in the...

How to pay for care
Most people are surprised to learn that Medicare pays for only a limited amount of the daily care you are likely to need in your lifetime...

Choosing a home care provider
Frank knows they need help at home. His wife's dementia is getting worse, and he has his own health problems. She can't be left alone...

Choosing a long-term care facility
Judy had an emergency hip replacement after a fall. She needs to be discharged tomorrow to a skilled nursing facility. She needs several...

Should you move (closer to your kids)?
The most common reason to move in later years is to be closer to children and grandchildren. Regardless of your reason for relocating,...

Assembling your support team
Much as we would like to imagine an elderhood free from troubles, the truth is, we are all likely to need help eventually. And on several...

Paying for care at home
How you pay for care at home depends on whether the service is by medically trained staff or by nonmedical caregivers. Also, what you can...

Medical emergencies: Are you prepared?
Paul collapsed at home and was unconscious. When he arrived at the ER, they didn't know his medical history, his medications, nor his...

"My kids treat me like a bank"
When an adult child asks for money, it's hard to say no. You want to respond to a need. But perhaps your child perceives that you don't...

What is an Aging Life Care™ Professional?
Imagine your life as a movie. If you are the director, an Aging Life Care Professional is your production manager. He or she is a deeply...

Types of long-term care
While “aging in place” has its benefits, it is expensive to get such individualized care. Plus, it’s rather isolating. Group options...
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