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My Blog

Senior centers: Worth a fresh look
Even pre-COVID, many 90-year-olds adamantly refused to go to a senior center, saying they didn't want to be around "all those old...

Combatting dehydration
With summer's warm weather, be on the lookout for dehydration in your loved one. The signs include confusion, fatigue, weakness, and...

Dementia and finances
If the person you care for has dementia—memory or thinking problems from a condition such as Alzheimer's, a stroke, or Parkinson's—unpaid...

The "Sandwich Generation"
Elderly parents are living longer. Children are often dependent for more years than expected. Add to this the ongoing responsibilities to...

Swollen legs and feet
Many older adults experience swollen legs and feet. For some, it's because of sitting a lot and leading a sedentary lifestyle. For...

Does brain training work?
The brain is another organ to keep fit, and regular workouts are a good thing! Our brains enable many types of thinking: Problem solving,...

Understanding the rhythm of a disease
Much of the strain of caring for a loved one lies in the loss of a predictable routine, a sense of "normalcy." Understanding the course...

Text message scamming: "Smishing"
Your loved one may be watching for phishing scams on email, but now there are scams carried out by short message service (aka, texting)....

Caregiving with kids
Children generally like to feel included. But they may not know how to relate to an ill family member with limited abilities. Here are...

Living with cancer as a chronic condition
Has your loved one been diagnosed with cancer? The vast majority (67%) of people with cancer live for another five years or more. A...

When you envy others
Do you ever look at friends and find yourself mad or upset because they have free time? They don't have a relative that needs help? You...

Primary care providers
A primary care provider (PCP) is charged with monitoring and treating a person's whole body. Specialists abound and indeed are important....

Cooking tips for the visually impaired
Is low vision making it harder for your loved one to cook? If food preparation has been one of their pleasures, they are probably...

Interrupt the stress cycle with deep breathing
We're breathing all the time. But when it comes to stress relief, not all breathing is equal. The body's stress cycle Our bodies are...

Poetry and dementia
If the person you care for has dementia, you may have noticed their withdrawal from conversations, movies, even from reading books or the...

Organ donation
Those who donate organs, eyes, or tissue leave a tremendous legacy, often the gift of life itself: Allowing someone a steady heartbeat....

Should Dad move in?
Combining households has many benefits: Less hassle running back and forth between two residences, less worry about Dad eating well and...

The journey of late life
Families spend three to five years caring for an aging relative. At first it may be light chores or small errands now and then. But over...

People who go through chemotherapy for cancer often complain about "chemobrain." If your loved one is under treatment and is having...

Caregiving apps
Juggling multiple schedules, keeping other relatives informed, ensuring prescriptions are filled … these are but some of the many duties...
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